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Failed Emails

After sending an email from HirePOS, you may receive an email notification back to your user email address advising that the email failed and was not delivered. In addition, the Sent column in the Find Sales/Hire screen and the Customer Overview > Sales tab will be flagged with a red Fail.

The email notification will provide details of the issue, which will normally relate to one of the following scenarios...

  • The email address was misspelled or may not exist.
    Action: Check and verify the email address, and send again using the correct recipient email address.

  • The email recipient is having issues with their email service.
    The error in the notification email will normally be of a technical nature, describing server-related issues at their end.
    Action: Contact the email recipient, advise them of the issue, and verify if they are currently having issues with their email.

  • The email has been spam blocked and rejected.
    The email notification may just mention the email was Dropped or Blocked, or there may be an error message relating to "spam". This scenario is the most complex to resolve and is often beyond your control.
    Action: Various solutions are explained in the next step.