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Delivery/Pickup Only Users

Setting a user as a Delivery/Pickup only user is ideal for staff members that need to access the Delivery schedule, but don't need to edit data or view other parts of HirePOS.

Most often, this is used for drivers that only need to access the schedule.

How to Set a User as Delivery/Pickup Only

  1. Invite your user into HirePOS as per the Invite New Users help doc.

  2. Go to Setup > Preferences > Users then click on the new user.

  3. Click and expand the Roles option.

  4. Tick the Delivery/Pickup only checkbox.

  5. Save changes.

Linking your User to a Supplier

After you've set your permissions, you'll need to link them to a supplier.

  1. Go to Setup > Suppliers

  2. Create a new supplier, and give it the same Email address as the Delivery/pickup user login.

  3. Go to the Other tab.

  4. Tick the Is Driver/Transport company checkbox.

  5. Save changes.

Be aware that linking Admin or General users to a delivery supplier as above will result in jobs being filtered by that driver/supplier by default.

How it's used

After you've completed the above steps, you should be able to login as this user as normal.

But instead of taking you to the HirePOS Reminders screen, you'll be taken directly to the Delivery/Pickup schedule instead.

From here, they'll see a list of the current day's jobs and can use all filters except the suppliers filter, as normal.

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