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Auto-increment Customer Code

Setting the Code field to default for new customers is a good practice when exporting to third-party accounting systems. The Code field is a unique value that represents the customer. It is best to use an auto-incrementing numeric value rather than an alphanumeric one. Using Codes avoids any confusion or cross-over that may potentially occur with first/last names in particular. For example, you may have several customers with the name John Smith.

Before you switch on auto-incrementing customer codes, consider whether you need your "existing" customer list pre-filled with codes if they are currently blank. If so, submit a Custom Request as per

To switch on the setting
This should be performed "after" you have your existing Customer Codes pre-populated, as this setting will cause new customer codes to increment from the highest existing Customer Code number onwards.

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Miscellaneous.

  2. In the Basics section at the top, switch on the toggle for Auto-increment Customer Code.

  3. If your starting point is a number less than six digits, you may consider using Leading 0's, particularly if you are exporting to MYOB Accounting which tends to use Leading 0's by default.

  4. Click the Save Changes button located towards the bottom right.