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Troubleshooting Email Templates

All my emails direct customers to one specific invoice

If you have created your email templates based on a copy/paste from an external email, you might have inadvertently copied in specific URLs and Links rather than the generic 'Email Template Placeholder' that HirePOS uses.

To resolve this...

  1. Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Email Templates and Settings.

  2. If:

    1. The problem is your default template, stay on this screen

    2. The problem is in one of your 'other' templates, click the Other Email Templates button at the bottom of the screen, and select the offending template from the list.

  3. Locate the "View Invoice" button on the email template: 

  4. Remove the button by selecting it and then clicking the remove button.

  5. In its place, put a {ViewButton} placeholder you will see it appear in curly braces: {ViewButton}

  6. Save the email template

  7. Go and test it with a new invoice using your own email address, and ensure that you emails are directing you to the correct invoice.