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Searching and Sorting Tips

Most screens that are in a list format (Such as the Find Sales/Hire screen) can be sorted and filtered in multiple ways.

You should be able to combine these filters and sort methods to find just about any information you require.

Use the right Screen
Make sure you are "using the right tool for the job" so to speak.

If you're looking for an item, you'll want to use the Setup > Items screen.

If you're looking for an Invoice, you'll want to use one of the Sales/Hire > Find Sales/Hire screens.

If you know the items on an Invoice, but not the customer or location, use the Find Sales/Hire by Item screen.

If you know where a job is located but not the customer? use the Find Sales/Hire by Location screen.

Using Filters

Make sure that you utilise filters on any of our list screens! you can often filter to a particular category of items, customers, or record type.

This can help you narrow down your results.

In addition, if you CAN'T find what you are looking for, make sure to check your filters.

Sorting by Columns

In most of the list screens, you are able to sort by columns by clicking the column header.

Clicking them multiple times will toggle between Ascending or Descending order.

You can use this to show all the most recent, or the oldest records in a list.
Or perhaps sort by name or Invoice number.