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Sales Records with Multiple Customers (Delivery Customer)

In certain scenarios, you may wish to assign two customers to the same sales record, where one customer is the billing customer or an agent, and the other customer is the hirer.

Billing Customer vs Hirer Customer

In the Sales/Hire > Customer Overview screen, you will have two customers. One of these customers will be the primary over-arching customer. This could be the billing customer, an agent, or an event planner for example.
The other customer will be the "hirer". In all cases, the "billing" customer is the customer for whom invoices are created.

Create the invoice against the "billing" customer, and then in the Invoice screen, under the Delivery/Pickup details section, use the drop-down to the right of the Customer/Name field to directly link the "hirer" customer to the Invoice.

Viewing both customers in the Customer Overview

In the Sales/Hire > Customer Overview screen, when searching for a customer, there is an option cog icon located on the far right of the search field in the dropdown list. Click this icon to show the "Customer Search Settings" popup. Check the option "Include sales where customer is delivery/pickup customer", then click Save Settings.

Now you will be able to search for the "hirer" customer and view all Invoices where the hirer has been assigned to invoices as the Delivery/Pickup Customer.