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Purchase/Disposal tab

The Purchase/Disposal tab contains everything to do with the purchase and Disposal of the item.

Purchase Date

The purchase date is the date that your item was purchased by you.
This is used for various reports in HirePOS, notably in the Cost/Profit and Hire item utilization reports.

Cost Prices Ex/Inc, Tax

These are the price you paid for the item, and are used in Purchase orders as the "Default price", especially useful for consumable sales items.

Landed Cost

Landed cost is the sum of expenses associated with shipping a product.
Usually, an item shipped from overseas.

Disposal Date

This is the date that the item was "Disposed" this can also be the date it was sold, in the case of singular items.

Price Sold
The price you sold your item for, this is used in Cost/Profit reports.

Monthly Repayment Amount
In Addition to the the Cost price, the monthly repayment ammount is how much you are paying per month on the item. used in Cost/Profit reprots.

Finance Start Date
The time you started paying off your item. This is when monthly repayments start in cost/profit reports.

Finance Finish Date
This is the date your monthly repayments end, and the total amount to pay will be calculated based on this.