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Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders can be accessed via Expenses > Purchase orders.  From here you can find and edit existing records.  Note: In Purchase Orders, items will use the Supplier Code rather than the standard Item Code.

How to create a new Purchase Order

You can either click New Order or New Quote to generate a new record.  This can be changed later within the Purchase Order screen, within the Status field on the top right.

  1. Select the Supplier the goods are to be ordered from.
  2. Ensure the Order Date is correct on the right side of the screen, which defaults to today.
  3. Much like the invoice screen, you can select line items to be purchased, including Qty, and Price. (Items will use the Cost Price if applicable).Adding Items with Barcodes
  4. Save the Purchase Order when completed, this will take you back to the Purchase Orders list.
  5. At this stage, the Purchase Order you created will remain in the Awaiting status until received.