On Hire Invoice previews as 'Contract'
When an Invoice is "On Hire", the customer may return goods early or late and the Invoice may be subject to price variations as a result. There may even be partial returns, damage charges and the like.
The scenario
You send a Tax Invoice to a customer while the goods are on hire. The customer returns the goods late, however the Tax Invoice has already been issued. The customer disputes any alterations to the Invoice.
To overcome this problem, HirePOS displays "On Hire" Invoices as a "Contract" by default. Once the goods are returned and the "Hired To" date is populated then the Invoice is no longer on hire, and will display as a "Tax Invoice".
Options for when you do not want to display "Contract"
If the hire is for a fixed period and will not be subject to alterations then you can send the Invoice up front "before" the goods go out on hire.
There is also an "Exclude On Hire" filter in the Email/Review screen, so you can avoid bulk emailing Invoices while on hire.
If an Invoice isn't to be sent up front before the hire, then leave as a "Booking". It will automatically convert to an "Invoice" once you place it on hire.If your Invoices issued are never subject to alterations, and you prefer to always send as a Tax Invoice, then you can request to have a custom template to suit your requirements. For more flexibility, you may also choose to have only "Approved" on hire Invoices display as Tax Invoice for example.
You can submit your request via ? Help > Custom Request (via the menu bar at the top-right).