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Invite New Users

We recommend using email addresses in your business domain. If your emails ended in then your team should have a first/last name email like for example.

If using business emails is not an option, your staff can safely use their personal email addresses (the user email address is not customer-facing).

You can use a Microsoft account or Google account for single sign-on and multi-factor authentication to improve security beyond a traditional email username and password. Regardless, you need to invite users and have them sign in initially via username and password, and they can later sign in with either of the above providers.

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Users

  2. Enter the user email address in the Invite User box located at the top of the page, then click Email User.

  3. The user will be emailed a link to set up their new user login. 

  4. After the user registers their login a confirmation email is sent to the primary business email (i.e. the admin user).

  5. Go to Setup > Preferences > Users, click the user to edit, and set their appropriate roles and permissions, then click the Save Changes button at the bottom right.

  6. In the user details screen check the setting "Confirm user and allow access?" then click the Save Changes button located towards the bottom.

  7. The user will now be able to log into HirePOS via the Login link on the website.

If you wish to configure permissions for your user logins, please view the User Roles guide.