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Going 'Live'. What's Next?

After you're happy with the HirePOS® trial, and decide to go 'live', we suggest you run through the following checklist, to ensure you're ready to start entering some 'real' business data, like hire and sales records.

  1. Check your customers and items are imported, and import new customer and inventory sheets as necessary. You can email a copy of the spreadsheets to to be checked over before the imports if you're not confident. Check the data import help docs.

  2. Run through some every day processes like entering Bookings and Invoices, and returning hire equipment, looking up stock availability and so on. Check the intro videos.

  3. Book in a training session via to ensure your key staff members are up to speed. Usually 1-3 staff will be fully up to speed from day one, and they can train additional staff as needed. Some businesses may design their own training manuals based on their specific processes, by using material from our help docs site.

  4. Clear out any historic test data like invoices and payments before you go 'live'. Most screens have an Options button at the top-right with a Delete option. During the trial period, we recommend getting most data, like items(assets/inventory) accurate before you launch.

  5. To save you time, you can request that we clear out the test invoices and payments so you're ready to go 'live'.

  6. Ensure your business details are correct via Setup > Business. Check the ABN/GST numbers, address, phone, and bank account details. These all flow through to the Booking/Invoice PDF's, so you need to make sure these business details are correct. Check the business details help doc.

  7. Get your email templates set up as per the email templates help doc.

  8. Ensure your email settings are set up correctly so that you avoid any spam issues. See the how to avoid spam help doc. Importantly, make sure your Display Name is entered in Setup > Preferences > Email Settings. Use your business name (without any punctuation characters). Do not use an email address as the Display Name.

  9. Have you set up an account with Pin Payments and integrated with HirePOS to enable your customers to pay their invoices with a credit card online?

  10. Need to set up a recurring subscription payment? Easiest method is to set up a recurring payment via your online banking. You can email if you prefer to set up an auto-payment from your credit or debit card. Otherwise, you'll see invoices appear at the top of the reminder list on the main screen when you log into HirePOS and they can be paid as you go. Invoices are sent 7 days before the beginning of each monthly subscription period.

These are just the essentials to check over when going 'live' with HirePOS. To get the most out of HirePOS, we recommend that you check out the Features page to get an overview of what HirePOS can do.