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Form Templates

Custom Forms is a versatile feature that allows you to create a custom data entry form in the case where the standard HirePOS fields do not cover your requirements.

Setup a Custom Form Template

  1. Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Form Templates.

  2. Click an existing template to edit, or click New Template.

  3. There are three columns to set for a Custom Form: TypeLabel and Placeholder
    Example Form Setup:
    The following example assumes an 'event' or 'wedding' use case.

  4. To add a new field, you can click one of the Field Type buttons at the bottom.Field Types Explained.

  5. You can also drag/drop the fields up and down to change the field order, using the handle icon to the left of the rows.

  6. When you are happy with your new form template, Press Save.

Use Your Custom Form on the Online Store

Once you've created a form template as above, you can make it a requirement for your customers to fill in these details during checkout, on your online store.

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Online Store.

  2. Click on the Custom fields tab.

  3. At the bottom, select the Form template you created earlier, via the dropdown.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Now, when your customers open Check-out, your custom form will appear alongside the standard submission fields.

Use Your Custom Form on the Invoice screen

Once you’ve created a form template as above, you can use the form as follows:

  1. Open a Sales Record.

  2. Go to the Custom Fields tab.

  3. Click Custom Form.

  4. Select the Template you wish to use.

  5. This will cause the screen to automatically open up the form template ready for data entry.

Use Your Custom Form on the Item details screen

Once you’ve created a form template as above, you can use the form as follows:

  1. Go to Setup > Items, and click an item to edit.

  2. Go to the Custom Fields tab.

  3. Click Custom Form.

  4. Select the Template you wish to use.

  5. This will cause the screen to automatically open up the form template ready for data entry.

These custom form details will now appear in the item 'eye' preview popup in the Setup > Items list screen, and the Items/Prices screen.

In the future, this feature will be expanded with more field types, preferences, and screens.

Custom Form Data in Report Templates

Report templates such as the Tax Invoice and Delivery Docket templates can be customised to display the custom form data. The data can only be displayed together in a group, with one line for each field label and value (if you need to separate your data elements on your templates, custom fields might be more suitable for your needs).

Contact us today at to enquire about getting this data field placed on your custom report template.