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Email Multiple Customer Sales Records in one email

Sales records can be emailed out as individual emails, however occasionally you may prefer to email multiple Quotes in the one email for example.

Although it is not directly possible to email a selection of invoices on one email directly from HirePOS, there is an easy way to download the PDFs you require in order to send with your email platform of choice.

  1. From the Main Menu, go to Sales/Hire > Customer Overview, or click the Sales button on the Main Menu.

  2. Select the customer from the Customers dropdown. The customer's sales history will be displayed in the first tab, i.e. the Sales tab.

  3. Click the eye icon to the left of the sales record to preview the record details.

  4. Click the PDF button towards the bottom right of the popup to save the sales record as a PDF into a folder on your local hard drive.

  1. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any remaining invoices you require a PDF of.

  2. Create a new email from your day to day email client (e.g. Outlook) and attach all the PDF files to the new message.