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Deleting Sales Records

When dealing with sales records that are no longer needed, the recommended practice is to cancel the record rather than delete it. This ensures a complete history of events remains available. It is possible to un-cancel a sales record, but it is not possible to un-delete one.

Deletion not possible
In some circumstances, it is not possible to delete a sales record at all. This is true of sales records that have a signature recorded against them and records that have a payment recorded against them. In this instance, cancellation is the only available option. Delete a Sales Record

Although there are occasionally good reasons to delete a record (duplication, significant data entry error, etc) please consider cancellation before deletion.

If you wish to completely delete a sales record, and the system will allow it, you can do so by:

  1. Open the record in question

  2. Navigate to the Options menu in the top right hand area of the screen

  3. Select Delete Sale

  4. Be sure that you wish to completely delete the sale (this is not reversible), and confirm via the popup.