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The autocalc popup is switched on by default, and presents you with a number of options to recalculate the Booking/Invoice quantities and/or units based on the period of hire.

Whenever you change a Booked From/To or Hired From/To date the prompt will appear by default.
You can also manually open the Autocalc popup by clicking the Autocalc link located at the bottom right of the line items grid (As per the screenshot to the left).

Autocalc Options

  1. Yes, Recalculate Prices - Both the Selling unit itself and the Qty/Units column will be recalculated.

  2. Just the Qty, not the Unit/Rate - Only the Qty/Units column will be recalculated, not the Selling unit itself.

  3. Don't Autocalc - No recalculation will occur and the prompt will close.

How to switch autocalc off and on

  1. Open the Autocalc popup by clicking the Autocalc link located at the bottom right of the line items grid (just above the Subtotal section).
    Note there is an indicator to the right of the Autocalc link to show whether Autocalc is switched On or Off.

  2. Slide the Autocalc Off/On toggle accordingly, which is located at the bottom right of the popup.