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Additional User Pricing

How many user accounts do I need?

Each user account has a unique set of security settings and user preferences. Information regarding user login events (failed or successful) is kept, and any changes made against sales records are logged against the user account so that you know who made the changes.

Every person that is using HirePOS must have their own unique login account, except in the case of 'front counter' computers where multiple people share the same computer at the point of sale.

Shared Front counter computer

In this scenario, different staff are not logging in and out of HirePOS before they make a sale, they share the same account for the one device.

The specific point of sale computer should be logged in for the day, and then logged out at the end of day. You should set up a user account for each front counter computer, for example Front Counter 1, Front Counter 2, etc.

1 X User Login

1 X Device

1 X Person


1 X User Login

1 X Device

Multiple People


(front counter scenario)

1 X User Login

Multiple Devices

Multiple People

Not Permitted

(each person requires their own login)

1 X User Login

Multiple Devices

1 X Person

1 person cannot operate more than one device at a time.

Person must log out of 1st device and then log into their 2nd device.

Do not allow general users to log into your Administrator account. Each user should have their own user account, and each 'front counter' computer should have its own user account.

Any given user account should only be logged into one device at any one time. Do not allow users to share your account, or be logged into the same account on multiple devices. There is a risk of the second user being kicked out of their session without notice.

Usage other than the above is not supported. Such practices can severely compromise the security and reliability of your data, and breach the HirePOS Terms of use.

How are users calculated?

Each month, your user count is calculated as the current number of active users you have set up in your system.

Inactive users are not counted toward your user charges.

Depending on the plan you are on, an amount of delivery only or signature pad users may be included, and not charged for.

Each HirePOS Pricing plan allows for a certain number of active users. When you exceed this amount of users, you be migrated to a higher-tier plan, or you will be charged extra for each additional user.